A daily blog to keep my friends and family up-to-speed with my 3-month sabbatical at the Finnish Forest Research Institute (METLA) in Suonenjoki, Finland. For my birding friends, I'll post the "new" birds seen each day.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sunday, 14 Jun

I was pretty lazy again today. Got up late, had some breakfast, did some work. About 14:00 I hopped on the bike and road into town. Visited Otto and then went to the grocery store for some odds and ends. I'm meeting Deb and Niklaas in Sweden on Wednesday, so I'm playing the game of trying not to starve but not have anything left in the refrigerator... a delicate balancing act for sure.

Today's photo is from the Kuopio Museum I visited yesterday. This red color with black or white trim is a common color scheme in Scandinavia. In front of these buildings they had a "historic" herb garden, that would have been used by earlier pharmacists in their work. It was a bit funny, as they had your basic dandelion growing in the garden, on purpose, with its own little sign, and the yard around the garden was full of the same plant. That's a lilac blooming on the right... the grounds were full of old, huge, lilacs in full bloom, and the aroma was heavenly.

Sorry, no new birds of the day. But I did discover a Fieldfare nest at eye-level right along the road going to the station. It had 3 big chicks hunkered down in it.

1 comment:

  1. Grandma K would approve of the dandelions! Who can forget her famous dandelion salad. I enjoy reading your blogs. Have fun in Sweden.

    Dan Kasten



About Me

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Moscow, Idaho, United States
I'm a research plant physiologist with the USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Grassland, Shrubland, and Desert Ecosystem Program. I'm also the National Nursery Specialist for the Forest Service.