We spent the day pounding little pieces of wood into the ground in interesting little patterns. Deb and Marty call it research. The rest of us called it work. Fortunately, these sites are mostly bug free and the weather was quite pleasant. We managed to finish off 5 of the 12 "plots" that need to go in. Niklaas, Dan, and I were "insertion" fools; once we got in to a rhythm, the buried wood stakes went better than anticpated. We found our way back to the hostel about 19:00 and had dinner. Today is the official Midsummer Day celebration, well, at least somewhere. Things are pretty quiet here in Vindeln. The young couple that looks after the hostel warned us they were having a party and it might get loud. It's 21:45 and it's still very quiet... Niklaas thought they were going to have bands playing in the park. They probably are, it's just that the park isn't in Vindeln. So, instead, it's a bit scary... no flowers in our hair (no comments about the blogger), no dancing naked around a pole, no pyres to the sun god, just 5 of us sitting in the hostel, each with a computer linked to the WiFi. I'm not sure that's the traditional way to celebration the day with the most sunlight....
Bird of the day: Common Blackbird.
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