I got up early this morning and did a little birding. The birds had been calling since 2:00! It was like the call of the siren to me.... Although the forecast was promising clouds and rain, the morning started off pleasant and sunny. And, fortunately, it wasn't too buggy. I strolled around the lake that is right behind my apartment. The grounds near the station are covered with Scots Pine and criss-crossed with cross country skiing trails. I really was after one bird: the Common Cuckoo. Those rascals were calling all night. I've heard them in Switzerland and Sweden, but never really got an upclose and personal look until this morning. (Yes, I saw them, lots of them.) I made it to the office by 8:00 and slaved that whole hour before coffee break. Whew. I spent the day, when not drinking coffee, working on volume 2 of the "tribal nursery manual." After receiving word yesterday that we have already distributed almost all of the first 1000 copies of volume 1 (in about a month), I was motivated to get going on the second volume, which will contain nearly 300 propagation protocols. There's still a lot to do... but without the distractions of my usual office, I made good progress today. Lunch was a great salmon and potato soup (hey, I'm from Idaho, the potato state, but Idaho has nothing on Finland... every meal here includes the humble potato). A brisk, cool breeze is blowing in some rain now. I've retreated to my abode, figuring I can work on the computer there just as easy as in my office.
Birds of the day: White Wagtail, Crested Tit, Great Tit, Mistle Thrush, Fieldfare, Tree Pipit (lifer), and Whimbrel (flying by).
Is this what you call a "working travel adventure?" I am sure that salmon and potato soup along with a good sauna helps to unclog your creativity for working on the Tribal Nursery Manual. And the cuckoo birds probably add a certain musical inspiration to the project. Have a good time with all the distractions.