A daily blog to keep my friends and family up-to-speed with my 3-month sabbatical at the Finnish Forest Research Institute (METLA) in Suonenjoki, Finland. For my birding friends, I'll post the "new" birds seen each day.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

First Day on the Job, Tuesday, 2 Jun

Thankfully I slept well, nearly 8 hours. That should preclude any weird jet-lag... I started the day with a little yoga to see if I could "un-stiff" what 14.5 hours inside an airplane had done to me. It helped. About 8:00 I walked the short distance to the main building. The day was essentially spent meeting old friends, filling out paperwork, getting my key card (the Finns can do this in 2 hours; I'm still waiting after months for my new Forest Service card) and starting discussions about what exactly I'm doing here.... oh yeah, and having coffee breaks. The first one is at 9:00, along with some real breakfast goodies. No sugary donuts! Just some hard bread, a slice of cheese, and some fresh veggies (tomatos, peppers, and cucumbers). Most of the staff attend. Then, lunch at 11:30. Again, served up hot and fresh. And if you feel the afternoon grind taking its toll, don't worry. There's another coffee break at 14:00! My office is on the second floor. When I came back from lunch, they had put my name on the door. These Finns are a class act. About 16:30 Risto Rikala, one of the researchers I'm working with, took me into Suonenjoki to get groceries. I love buying stuff by only looking at the pictures on the label. A real adventure! More adventure at the check-out line... my credit card wouldn't work. Fortunately I had some Euros left over from last fall; just enough to get me out the door. I found out that Deb had used the card in Moscow, and then I tried it shortly thereafter in Suonenjoki--a big red flag to the credit card company! Hopefully by tomorrow they will have found me a bicycle so I have some mobility and can go purchase what I forgot today... it's about a 5 km ride to Suonenjoki.

Birds of the day: Coal Tit (and a nest with 4 just-hatched chicks), Common Swift, Great Spotted Woodpecker, House Sparrow.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to see you are enjoying the "Tutkimustaimitarha," the "ruokaa" and most especially the "sauna." Hopefully it included plenty "loylya" followed by a lake dip! Ah for the UP - "uusi Suomi!" - which we shall visit on the 4th. Hyvaa jatkoa! Jack



About Me

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Moscow, Idaho, United States
I'm a research plant physiologist with the USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Grassland, Shrubland, and Desert Ecosystem Program. I'm also the National Nursery Specialist for the Forest Service.